08:45 Registration
09.15 Opening of the works by the Le Fonti Group
09:20 Institutional greetings by Roberta Cocco, Councilor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services, Municipality of Milan
09:30 Keynote Speech - Speech by Giacomo Zucco, Founder & CEO, BlockchainLab
10:10 Round Table - Be your Own Bank: banks, fintech and technologies distributed in the era of the on-demand economy
11:00 Automotive Innovation, BMW Milan - BMW Group subsidiary Italy, Automotive Partner
11:30 Round Table - Crypto and Blockchain between rules and taxation: lights and shadows of a looming future
12:15 Technology Outlook - The universe of the Internet of Value: between the Blockchain galaxies
12:30 Round Table - Not just crypto: blockchain applications in business and business processes
13:15 Conclusions and Business Lunch (by invitation)